Sunday, May 2, 2010

not so manly

so this was my first of two blind dates last week.
such a good one, i might add.
this is how it began:
my way cute friend i used to work with texts me one day saying she was on facebook, saw a new profile picture of mine and was with one of her guy friends and said he wanted to take me out.
since she is a darling girl, i trusted her when she said he is way cute and an awesome guy!
he picks me up for our date, i was not ready whatsoever. my poor dad had to keep him company until i was. i walk down the stairs to find a very scrawny, short guy who looks about 12 and was wearing pointy shoes and a leather jacket. score!

he tells me we are going to see the movie remember me. a romantic movie. how perfect for a first date, let alone a BLIND date. this movie ends with a tragedy and of course i tear up, i can't control that! so i am brushing away tears as the lights come on... awkward.
by this time it was around 9ish, my stomach was growling cuz we didn't get dinner beforehand. he says lets go grab something. on our way to wherever we are going we pass this building that has all these red lights on/around the building, i mention how creepy it looks, he says "i bet that's the power ranger's headquarters". awesome. i laughed so hard. little did he know, i was laughing at him, not with him.
we pull up to cold stone, an ice cream parlor. ice cream! not dinner. because that's good on a hungry empty stomach. we're standing in line and he asks what i'm getting, i say that i get the same thing everytime. cake batter ice cream, nothing can top it. when i ask him what he's getting he says "ohhhh i'll just get whatever you get". um no. be a man and order your own thing!
i order mine, he makes the girl scooping his ice cream to decide what he should get. common now. really? he goes to pay for our ice cream and i swear the guy ringing us up was hitting on him. he was like so how has your day been, kept asking him questions, never to me too. and they had this weird look going on between them. i was like uhhhh should i leave and you two can finish our date? it was that uncomfortable.
while eating ice cream i find out more about this kid. he grew up in cali, is moving back for the summer. has to get a job out there and isn't excited since he hasn't worked in a long time. so appealing. tells me about past jobs. floral shop, day care....
feminine much? wayyyy too much for me. i need a man.
when i got home my dad said he called my mom immediately after i left for the date and said "who set her up?? he has pointy shoes and is very girly!!"
my dad was right. wish he could have warned me before i left.
but it makes for a good story right?

Friday, April 30, 2010


two blind dates in one week.
this shall be interesting...

Friday, April 23, 2010

it's all about the name

when i was a nanny, the mom's boss wanted to set me up with her daughter's soccer coach. i had never even met her boss.
already that is a great story. it gets better,
his last name...


pronounced mule+burger
i don't think i could picture myself being mrs. muleberger.
the date never happened, but i'm sure it would've been a treat.

blind date #1

where these tragic blind dates began: the year 2006.
now is the time i really wish i kept journal. i am going to have to pull these dates out from pure memory. here we go...
one summer afternoon i showed up at my little brother's football game to cheer him on as usual. after the game, a lady approaches me. her son is on the team, and had noticed me during the game and decided to ask if i was single. after telling her yes, she then begins to tell me about this amazing guy i need to go out with, her nephew. not seeing a way out of it, i accepted.
a few days later, he calls, we set up a time to do a lunch date. he has me meet him at his work in springville. (red flag?)
after an awkward moment introducing ourselves, and realize we are about the same height (5'3"), we head out to his car. i mean his ginormous truck. i literally had to jump and then pull myself up to get in, all while he is still holding the door open for me, watching. so happy i wasn't wearing a dress.
he doesn't give me an option as to where we are eating lunch, and pulls into a sandwich shop. i don't eat sandwiches... now what i am going to eat? i order a toasted almond chicken salad, seemed like a safe choice to me. wrong. i hated it. i picked out the yummy almonds and scooted the lettuce leaves around during our boring conversation trying to make it look like i am eating a fair amount. i wish i remembered more about what we talked about, what he said, what he wore, but i just remember there being lots of awkward silences, almost as if i had to force a conversation out of him. after lunch he dropped me back off at my car and asked if i wanted to do something later on that day. i quickly made an excuse and never saw him again.
and that was the kick off to my awesome blind dates!
the end.